Stop Acid Reflux With These Helpful Tips

Have you had it up to here with acid reflux? If you’ve been battling heartburn, then it’s about time to send it packing for good. Apply the following information and make acid reflux a thing of the past.

Eat dinner about 3 hours prior to bed. When you are in an upright position, the food and stomach acid gets pulled down into your stomach. The acid could easily rise if you lay down. You give the food in your stomach a chance to digest if you stop eating well before bed.

To sleep better, try placing a wedge underneath the mattress to keep your head elevated and to help acid stay where it should. Bricks, wood, books – what you use it up to you. There are also beds that allow you to make this adjustment electronically.

Stress is a factor in acid reflux. Your stomach produces more acids when you feel stressed. Engage in pleasant pursuits following meals. You can watch some television, read a good book or do anything relaxing.

Keep an eye on the types of foods you eat which causes the symptoms of acid relux to flare up. You have some types of foods that trigger acid reflux for you, just like every other person who suffers with this condition. If you can identify the problematic ingredient, you can avoid that food throughout the day, especially around dinnertime.

Avoid really restricting clothes. Waistbands, belts and pantyhose that cut you in half are sure to cause stomach problems. These clothes not only restrict movement, but they put excess pressure your stomach. As a result, acid reflux can occur. Do not wear tight fitting or uncomfortable clothing across your stomach and chest area.

Refrain from drinking alcohol, which can irritate your stomach lining. Alcohol not only causes acid to build up within your stomach, but can deteriorate your stomach lining, which can lead to acid reflux. If you are having a night out with your friends, limit the amount you drink, unless you would like to feel bad once you arrive home.

Eat smaller, but more frequent meals. When you eat larger meals it can trigger your acid reflux to act up. A full stomach is under so much pressure that the contents can be pushed upwards. Stomach acid can then make its way back up into your esophagus. Eat smaller, more frequent meals instead.

Try to wait until between mealtimes to have drinks. If you drink too much at meals, your stomach will become too full. This can cause excessive pressure on the esophageal sphincter. This pressure can force the acid from your stomach to work their way up into the esophagus. Continued exposure to the stomach acid can harm, or possibly destroy, the lining of your esophagus.

Slippery elm lozenges can be helpful. The main ingredient, slippery elm bark, will coat your digestive system with a protective layer. It can make your throat feel better and relieve the cough that often comes with reflux when you suck on the lozenge. These lozenges can be found in many health food stores.

Now you know what do to! You have to put your new knowledge into action. Have these tips in mind when you try to get rid of acid reflux.

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