Let Us Answer Your Acid Reflux Questions Today

What is acid reflux? What causes it? What makes symptoms worse? How can one eliminate these problems? Have you been searching for ways to control your acid reflux? This article is the best place to start as it contains a ton of information about acid reflux and how you can make it better.

Elevating the head of your bed can work wonders to sooth nighttime acid reflux. You can do a variety of things to help elevate the mattress. Electric beds are also an option here as well.

Stress is a major contributor of acid reflux disease. When you are overly stressed out, more acid is produced in the stomach, causing acid reflux. Find a relaxing activity to pass the time after every meal. Some examples include reading, listening to music, watching television, meditating or taking a little stroll.

Lose weight to help prevent and lessen the effects of acid reflux. Obesity is one of the leading causes. Losing around 10% of your current body weight can lessen your acid reflux symptoms greatly. Weight loss should be done by eating smaller meals, not by crash dieting.

Learn how to combat stress. Stress produces stomach acid, which in turn can cause inflammation and heartburn pain. Discover the cause of your anxiety and take it out of your life.

Eat smaller meals, several times a day. You are more likely to suffer from acid reflux when you have only one or two big meals each day. When your stomach is overly full, you put extra pressure on the esophagus and entire digestive tract. That leads to acid reflux. Small meals will prevent this cause of your symptoms.

Pregnant women sometimes experience acid reflux due to pregnancy pressure on the stomach. This is especially common during the last two trimesters, and is worth mentioning to your physician.

People who are overweight may eliminate acid reflux by losing weight. When your body stores extra fat, particularly around your waist line, it makes acid reflux worse. The extra weight can cause stomach acid to go into your esophagus. This can end up causing an erosion of your esophageal lining. Therefore, try to reduce your weight as much as you can.

Reduce your alcohol intake if you have acid reflux. Alcohol consumption is a major cause of excessive production of stomach acids. If you would like a drink, limit yourself to one or two servings of an alcoholic drink to does not cause symptoms of acid reflux.

If you’re suffering from reflux, watch out for trigger foods. These may include caffeine, citrus, onions and fried foods. Of course, different people have different trigger foods, so if these do not cause problems, you can certainly still have them.

Now that you have learned about acid reflux, it is time to put your knowledge to work for you. Carefully look at your own life and see what triggers you have and how to counteract them. Apply what you have learned from this article to find relief in the near future.

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